Keeping Pet Hairs off your Mattress

Pets lose their hair and that is fairly common. But the problem is that that hair would come and get stuck in various things in your home including the mattress. If you do not clean the mattress then you will see that this hair would work as allergens and would create health issues. There are a few ways that can help in keeping off the pet hair. Here are some ways of mattress cleaning that will help. But you need to be quite specific about taking preventive actions as well.

  1. Vacuum clean the mattress at regular interval

It is vital that you vacuum clean the mattress at regular intervals, say once a week. This can surely fight off war potently against pet hair. Just keep a gentle brush in your hand while you are doing vacuum cleaning. Rub that brush on the mattress while the process of vacuum cleaning is going on.

  1. Take a moist sponge and move on the mattress

You can take a damp cloth or a moist sponge and then move it on the mattress. This will take away the pet hair which was lying on the mattress.

  1. Train the pets to not play or sleep on the bed

You should provide apt training to remove pets odour. You must teach them that there is a specific area in the home where it is not allowed. The bed and mattress area is something where the pets should not move about or play. If this is possible, then keeping off the hair will also be very much possible.

  1. Groom your pet well and maintain good hygiene

It is important to groom the pet well. If there is too long hair then you should get them trimmed. If you know how to manage and handle your pets then you can avoid such unhygienic situations within the space and also on the mattress.

  1. Brush off the hair from the mattress with the help of a simple long brush

If you don’t have time to use a vacuum cleaner then daily you can brush off the hair with the help of a long brush from the mattress. You can even use a rubber glove and search for the hair on the mattress and then pick it up with your hands. By doing the right things, there would be better solutions for sure. So, take the right options ahead and make the right decision.

With the above tips, you will be able to keep the mattress in good condition. Pet hair would be an allergen and can trigger Crucial for your Health responses in the body. It is therefore vital that you find the best way out so that you can control things the way you want.


If you follow the right method of mattress cleaning then you can expect an allergen-free mattress. But the first thing is that you need to take preventive steps or visit Mattress Cleaning Canberra. Prevention can be the best remedy and hence you need to take the right action and follow the best action plan.